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註冊: 2006-04-14

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 5 月 28 日

標奇立異得過以前 d 前輩鋸開個漏斗做摭光罩???????
仲有用箱頭筆油 color filter, 服未??
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註冊: 2007-03-25

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 2 日

CCD減到1.3我即轉會,同埋c hing唔好講無錢玩Sony咁難聽,我自己都玩Canon,現在都有意買Sony A700玩下,Canon and Nikon玩家都未見得有錢啫,Sony可能單反潮再高就不是呢d價嫁!!其實大家都會以大家做假相敵,各有所長啫!
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 6 日

In my opinion, iso is not the main point. actually most of the time iso 400 is

the highest point we require,

i don't understand why the iso spec is so inportant to you !?
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 6 日

try the Leaf Aptus, don't waste time on the Japanese cameras and don't waste time with these so-called 'c=hing'. they knoe only the Japanese camera circle!
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Danny Wong

註冊: 2007-10-19

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 6 日

Hi Conkwso Ching, yes, we all just know about Japanese camera and wasting a lot of time. Would you please give us some opinion about non Japanese camera???? We want to learn from you!!!
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日

it is you yourself only at this moment,, you cannot represent all the people ! please clarify!
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日

if you are a real new comer, please do forget the Pentax, sony, olympus, canon and nikon.

buy a Leica M8 or M8.2 with a second hand Leica LENS.

Don't listen to those so-called 'ching' who know only the Japanese brands, buy the Germany brands.

Be a higher class people using Germany camera and lens.

Although I still cannot afford any Germany products, I really hope other people, especially the newcomers, use these good products.

it is wasting time to keep talking about the Japanese cameras day by day, night by night
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日

i am using an a350 with the sony carl zeiss 16-80 , last month i dropped

the camera from a chair's height by accident,, Sony charge me $1,910 to

fix the motherboard and the lcd back. i have been struggling for a week

. finally i had it fixed and now i am trying to sell it asap.

No more Japanese brands to me again, never!!!!!
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日

I did touched it once, haven't owned one yet.

Probably I'll buy a second hand after the Sony a350 with the lens are sold out..

But the price of the Leica lens will be another problem to me.

Furthermore,, please don't call me 'Ching' AGAIN.

First,, my last name is not 'Ching';

Second, this term is neither English nor Cantonese , it is so staid to

use this term.

As you see, I didn't call you Danny Wong Ching as I am sure

your last name is NOT 'Ching' !

Also, I am tired of those Japanese brands because they renew their

products too quick, without any great improvement in actual. This make

me feel so stupid to buy these Japanese brands.. On the other hand, I

caannot afford the Germany brands, it mkes me so upset.
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Danny Wong

註冊: 2007-10-19

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日

Hi Conkwso, Looking forward to seeing your photo which is taken by Germany camera!!!
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日

I haven't had any Germany camera yet, you've gotta wait for a long long time until I am financially free to spend my spare money..

I still need to repay the credit card payment.
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Danny Wong

註冊: 2007-10-19

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日

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註冊: 2007-06-15

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 8 日


現在我影夜鏡不會用超過ISO 400,另願用閃光燈補光
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 9 日

I don't think the ISO is so important to us. Most of the time I don't use more then ISO 400 to take photos.
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註冊: 2008-02-21

題目Re: WHY SONY? (唔好介意我重POST, 因為相同大家深切討論)     Post time: 6 月 9 日

i had the AE1 then., LONG LONG LONG TIME AGO.
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