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P. Angenieux 愛展能 50mm f/1.8 Type S1 [Rare] Leica M-mount (adapted)

 價錢 HK$28000  原價 : HK$33000  更新: 2023-06-19 13:49:38
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P. Angenieux 愛展能 50mm f/1.8 Type S1 [Rare] Leica M-mount (adapted)

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P. Angenieux 50mm f/1.8 Type S1 從1942 至1958 之間法國製造,用喺當時流行相機品牌Alpa, Leica, Contax, Retaflex, Exakta, Praktica 等等作為標準鏡配置,鏡頭卡口廣泛。

呢支古董愛展能,我唯不忘那些年,喺 eBay 競價返嚟,乜卡口唔記得,總之第一時間俾葉師傅改成 M mount, hellicoid 用公呎標。

P. Angenieux 50mm f/1.8 Type S1
Used, adapted to Leica M mount

呢支愛展能一直受玩家同影友青睞追捧,譯名貼切 - 愛佢展現法式浪漫嘅能耐 - 菲林不死嗰種復古味。純個人感覺啫,成像銳利得嚟鋒芒內斂,真實色彩重現,結像柔和反差恰到好處,焦外散景光點渾圓,蒙太奇式夢幻,絲般順滑背景一層層。啱口味?搜圖吧!


Angenieux 50mm f/1.8 Type S1 was made in France from 1942 to 1958, used as a standard lens for Alpa, Leica, Contax, Retaflex, Exakta, Praktica, popular brands at that time. This lens therefore has varied mounts.

This antique lens was bought through competitive bids on the eBay during my active years which I never forget. I don't remember what was the original lens mount. The first thing I did was to hand it to Master Yip adapting it to M-mount with a meter scale distancing hellicoid.

- lens body is shiny silver metal, some light natural normal-use marks
- glass is clear, no mold, no haze, no peeling, blue-tint coating, slight cleaning marks on the front and rear element; fixed lens hood
-aperture f/1.8-f/16, 12 blades
-focus dustance 0.9m-infinity

This lens has always been favored by fans and film photo lovers. The Chinese translation is right to-the-point - love its ability to show French romance - an analog taste of film-never-die. My own feeling only  - the imaging is sharp but not irritating with true color reproduced; image is smooth and the contrast is just right; out-of-focus bokeh light spots are round, montage-like dreamy, creamy and silky smooth background layers. Right for you? Start your search right now!

Cash only
Deliver along Tuen Mun or Tsuen Wan MTR stations
Please bring your own carry bag


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 價錢 HK$28000  原價 : HK$33000  更新: 2023-06-19 13:49:38
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