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為提高二手買賣平台的使用體驗,此版本的二手買賣平台將於 2023 年 8 月 31 日停此運作。
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價錢 : HK$960
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有保養,保養期至 2033 年 12 月
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2024-03-24 21:19:28,刊登90日
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2024-03-24 21:19:28
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Mahogany Erhu 300----700 yuan,

Red sandalwood erhu starts from 1300 yuan.

High-quality red sandalwood copper shaft playing grade erhu 3000 yuan

High-quality red sandalwood playing grade erhu 3500 yuan

Gaohu, an old material from Ming and Qing Dynasties, starts from 3,500 yuan.
If you are interested, please call 852 96025172  or  contact me via whatsapp or WeChat from this phone number.
Can be mailed to Taiwan, Macau, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe, America, Canada, and other parts of the world.
I am the Hong Kong agent of the Suzhou Erhu Factory. Erhu is directly wholesaled from Suzhou at the lowest price. Under the epidemic, my piano shop has also closed its files. There are no sales offices in Hong Kong, which saves expensive rent and lamp oil and wax costs. Aiming to clear the stock.

Therefore, it is only 1/5 of the price in the Hong Kong market. That is less than 20% of the price in the Hong Kong market. You can buy a high-quality erhu with a beautiful piano case.

Hu You can try to pull it from me many times, and buy it until you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied with the purchase, you can return it. The original silver was returned. Supplied with necessary accessories such as tuner, strings, rosin, and free help in tuning and configuration. Free home delivery when necessary and free lifetime repair/maintenance. It's not like Taobao only sees a pretty photo, but can't try to play it. I don't know the sound is very mixed and harsh, and the quality of the piano is even worse.


旗艦級三頻路由器 新一代 Orbi Wi-Fi 6 三頻 Mesh WiFi 網絡系統!


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價錢 : HK$960
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