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為提高二手買賣平台的使用體驗,此版本的二手買賣平台將於 2023 年 8 月 31 日停此運作。
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香港電腦維修中心 Hong Kong Computer Repair Center

價錢 : 請洽詢我
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保 養 情 況
刊 登 日 期
2024-05-05 16:38:58,刊登90日
最 後 更 新
2024-05-18 15:48:16
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香港電腦維修中心 Hong Kong Computer Repair Center

Hong Kong Computer Repair Center(HKCRC) was established in 2019. We are devoted to serve our customers with better IT management and consultation. At the same time, We provide technical support and experience to assist customers' business development. Your problems are our responsibility. We believe we can be successful only when we treat ourselves as part of the customer companies, not just suppliers or services providers. We are trustable company that you can rely on. We welcome young staff and provide them chances to practise and sharing our experience. We hope to grow with our staff and provide them training and encourage them to further their studies. Besides, we also help them to attain various types of professional certificates. All these improve their knowledge and development in this field and which in turn provide a better service.

WhatsApp : 26031108

WiFi 6 雙頻 Mesh WiFi 無線網絡系統套裝 適合家庭及小型商用環境!

小提醒:近日有買家指出有人出售假冒/壞 CPU。若購買此類物品時,請倍加留意,以免損失。若有詐騙行為請回報檢舉。

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