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註冊: 2009-09-06

題目Nexus 5 Questions     Post time: 1 月 21 日

(1) I copied a Chinese song to my Nexus 5, to try ringtone. Ringtone OK, but the phone cannot display Chinese words, how to fix this?

(2) I never use NFC before, how to use? Do I need to install any app first?

(3) What app do you recommend for me to type Chinese words when using Whatsapp?

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註冊: 2014-01-22

題目Re: Nexus 5 Questions     Post time: 1 月 23 日

(3) you can install google pinyin input or sogou pinyin or baidu pinyin . they're fine to input chinese words.
(2) NFC no need apps. You need open NFC and then the other device opens NFC as well, then both devices can send photos, musics etc.
(1) I don't know.
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