AsiaWPA 2016 1st Half Competition 得獎者訪問 - Kent Wai Leung

我的名字是Kent Wai Leung, 我在美國生活已經二十多年. 我在成爲婚禮攝師前, 已經從事設計方面的工作超過十年, 這對婚禮攝影的構圖和後期工作有着很大的幫助. 我在婚禮攝影這一行業的年資不深, 但有幸得到ASIA WPA和美國PPA的獎行, 還成為WPPI認証的婚禮及人像攝影師.

My name is Kent Wai Leung, I live in America over twenty years. I was working as a graphic designer before I became a photographer, and it is benefit my photography work a lot because of my graphic design background. I am still very new to this wedding photography industry, but I am grad that I won several awards from Asia WPA and PPA, also became a certified wedding and portrait photographer in WPPI.



How you become a photographer?


我從少就喜歡美術方面的事物, 長大後也是從事跟美術相關的的工作. 從十多年前買下第ㅡ部SONY相機,從此就種下了攝影的根.最初我ㅡ直覺得攝影只是我ㅡ個興趣, 從沒有想把攝影變成職業. 直到我的朋友建議我一齊去做一些婚禮錄像的工作, 我開始在網上看到一些有名氣婚禮攝影的作品. 我才發現到照片是可以拍的這樣特別,跟藝術品ㅡ樣. 另我最深印象的就是Salvatore Dimino, Keda Z和David Edmonson, 他們的作品改變我一直對攝影的想法.

每個人都是一個故事, 從生活到工作都是故事的一個部份, 而攝影就是記錄回憶和難忘的故事, 當你成為別人的攝影師時, 同時成為記錄別人故事的一個重要人物, 這種使命感是筆墨難已形容的.

I love art since I was young, and my job is also related to it after I grew up. I remember my passion of photography was start from the day I first purchased a sony compact camera. I have never think the photography will become my career, until one day my friends asked me to do the wedding video work together, and first time I saw some famous wedding photographer's work, it surprised me that how beautiful of the works they have done. The most inspired me photographers are Salvatore Dimino, Keda Z and Edmonson, their works changed how I think about the photography.



Can you explain how you create this award winning photograph?


我會在拍攝前就想好我想要的構圖,但構思跟現實通常都是不ㅡ樣. 我在拍這張Love competitor的場地就跟我設定地點不ㅡ樣, 因為最初的地點出了狀況,不能拍照, 所以就在附近找了別的地方把它完成.這張照片我只用了One Light Setup,拍了5張不ㅡ樣的動作,再用後期加工


I will plan the layout before I start the shot, but usually it will be big different between what is in your mind and what is the reality. The location which I shot this picture is different to my original plan. The selected location was occupied by event, so I have to look for the nearby location to complete this shot. I use one strobe light on this picture, and use the sun as second light source. I directed my client in five different poses and combined all together to become this final work.



What you learn from this competition?


其實最重要的是通過比賽, 可以看到自己的水平到達什麼的程度, 和從中學習自己作品那裏的不足, 加以改善.

The most important to attend the competition is I can complete with the top league photographers and learn from them, and improve my photograph skill.



How you keep the passion in the photography?


保持新鮮感, 嘗試任何形式的拍攝, 當完成一幅作品或項目, 那些滿足感和成就感是金錢買不到的. 

Try different creative projects, it is hard to explain the happiness when finish each project, it is priceless.



Where you get the idea from?


我甚麼都看, 特別是電影和慢畵, 經常把裏面的故事情節幻想成眞實的畫面, 所以我的照片都比較有故事感覺.  

I love to watch movies and read comics. I always imagine how the shots become the reality in my mind, that is why a lot of my pictures are like telling a story.



What you want to try out in the future?


我想拍一些中世紀和現代混合在一起的作品, 這應該會非常有趣.

I would like to try creating a work which is the mixture of medieval times and modern times, it should be fun.

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