
Sony Ericsson XPERIA Pro

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a97cck (2個心得) 於 2012-02-24 23:32:28
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
Very Good deal ($2498)
Very beautiful screen
Well designed Physical Keyboard
Speed is reasonable
Fill flash is exceptionally good
Really well sized and comfortable to type with or without keyboard
Single core CPU ...(but uses way less battery isn't)
White color model seems never exist....
Button for taking photo is not sensitive enough.
The photo quality is just so and so (esp when shown in PC but not its "dishonest" screen)
SUPER LOUD camera (to avoid snapping i suppose)
Upgraded from Nexus one, and i am confident to say it is a bargain. All I concern is the keyboard and they produced a decent one.

Given its price, practically all the cons are not valid or simply due to marketing issue.

Moreover, the single core CPU does allow me to use for 1.5 days and this phone allows me to change battery so I don't need any kind of emergency backup power pack.....(which looks stupid I think.)
iPAQ (4個心得) 於 2012-01-12 11:17:23
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
平, $2498 連代電同 HDMI 線
有鍵盤但唔厚, 比 MINI PRO 仲要薄 (13.5mm VS 18mm).
HDMI 駁電好方便, 唔洗轉換線.
真係唔明 SE 中階機, 都係俾得 320MB ROM 人用!
內置無速成, 要自己裝. 呢點反影 SE 對 HK 市場唔重視/唔識做.
因為屋企人部 MINI PRO 壞咗, 幫手出咗 PRO,
對比 MINI PRO 整體上一個大升級, 如相機, LCD 等.
但重量就無乜重到, 機身仲薄咗添!

同埋部減咗價, 由 $3298 減到 $2498.
去過幾間問都有代電同 HDMI 線送.

希望 SE 以後出機唔好咁小家, 俾得個 320MB ROM 人!!!
funkmaster (14個心得) 於 2011-10-07 16:41:24
推薦此產品 (使用了 3 日)
light weight, acceptable speed. bargain (with trade in of Milestone I only $2298@wilson). HDMI cable,
Keyboard very easy and accurate typing, feel better than milestone 1
Battery dont last very long, feel plastic..
Due to my job nature i need to reply emails in very short time. I have been using keyboard phone since blackberry, Nokia one with sliding keyboard, Google Dream, Milestone, this one just feel so good,