
BlackBerry Bold 9900

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Advanced performance on Blackberry series
hclronald (11個心得) 於 2014-12-28 12:54:04
推薦此產品 (使用了 3 年)
1. Sensitive touch screen
2. Large keyboard
3. Good LCD display
4. More ram and rom
5. Speedy response
6. Quick react internet browzing
1. Auto focus camera is not precise to shot
2. Weak battery, too easy to dry up
3. Easy scratched back panel
4. Few and rare accessories
Blackberry 9900 is one of the mose highly sophisticated smart phone, this is the advance design after the leather back cover blackberry bold 9000. Sadly, blackberry interface and system is not generally accepted or designed for talented / advanced user (pretty sure not many people are familiar with the blackberry core system operation)
All in all, i am still keeping it
pentium2828 (1個心得) 於 2011-11-11 16:33:45
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
1. Very Nice LCD.
2. OS7. Liquid Graphics live to it's standard.
3. Large Keyboard. (advantage if you have big fingers)
4. Keyboard feels solid.
5. Touchscreen is responsive.
6. Metal finish feels good.
7. Webpage loading speed is good.
1. Not good battery life. Typical use IE 10 phone calls, internet, facebook, BBM. You can easily waste all battery in 3/4 days.
2. Ringtone volume is small (I am on Max setting)
3. Vibration not good in holster.
4. original headset is no good.
5. Bad youtube support.
I have been using it for 3 days. I am already impressed with what the 9900 compare with 9700 or 9000. RIM does a good job on making this device. But this is still aim at business user. Don't expect much a lot of apps from apps world. if just listening to music and play games, I would advice iPhone or other Android devices out in the market.
chuchuchu (1個心得) 於 2011-09-10 12:53:14
推薦此產品 (使用了 2 日)
1. mon 靚
2. qwerty實淨,比9780好
3. 機身纖薄加上銀邊外型一流
4. touch mon準,掃mon快
5. 速度上同市面上1ghz o既手機已冇乜分別
5. 好少係街同人撞機
1. 電好差,比9780爭好遠, 用唔到一日
2. 鏡面底加冇左bold皮面底,欠缺高貴又多指毛
3. 冇auto focus, 做唔多business card scanner
4. 性價比太底
app world都係好少香港地道apps e.g. appledaily, yahoo news, aastock,

如果係bb舊用家, 9900一定要換啦, 如果係android/ios用家, 都係等htc/samsung新機 或者iphone5啦