二手市集 交易評價
Ozzz (5)
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 7%
成功確認交易次數: 5
  • 買家
    camsamdcf (90) 約 10 年前
    Nice speaking to you CHing!
  • 買家
    ironball (22) 10+ 年前
    Good buyer - Thx!
  • 賣家
    tokyowife (7) 10+ 年前
    Nice sellers - even taught me how to check the camera! learnt a graet deal and happily testing it.
  • 賣家
    sonniejp (8) 10+ 年前
    Very nice resourceful sellers, will definitely trade again
  • 賣家
    m11 (23) 10+ 年前
    Probably the nicest seller I've ever met. Would love to keep in touch.