二手市集 交易評價
scmscc (3) 
4.5 / 5
註冊:約 8 年
撤回物品比例: 50%
成功確認交易次數: 4
  • 買家
    MixMax (375) 約 2 年 5 個月前
    very good buyer
  • 賣家
    jpg909 (33) 約 5 年前
    completed. very happy with the seller.
  • 賣家
    cent114 (26)約 6 年前
    very good seller
  • 賣家
    ftshkg (17)約 7 年前
    A very good Seller. The item is exactly the same as he described on the product description. I am pleased that I bought the se846 from him. Good Man!