Japan Pre-Wedding Photography – Virtual Reality (VR) 360 Behind the Scenes Video

We are pleased to announce the new chapter of Pre-Wedding Video in "Virtual Reality 360", also we want to give a huge thank you to our sponsors (Kodak Pixpro) that help us do our creative works :)

Actually its our first time to do VR360 video, the result is much better than my expectation, this is an exciting new way to watch our Behind the Scenes Video and the fantastic way to keep your memories alive! we can't wait to share this special video with you all!

Also please check our frequently asked questions (FAQ) below,

What is Virtual Reality (VR) Video?
Virtual reality (VR) videos are a brand new kind of video that make you feel like you're actually there. A VR360 video is created with a camera system that simultaneously records all 360 degrees of a scene. Viewers can pan and rotate a 360 video's perspective to watch it from different angles.

Virtual Reality (VR) Video for Wedding / Party / Event?
Virtual Reality (VR) can bring a lot of fun to any event, birthday or wedding party, even for those doesn’t like photo taken still enjoy this new technology. If you are planning a wedding or an event that involves a gala event; why not add the Virtual Reality 360 degree video. If you have a photo booth for wedding adding the 360 degree camera will make so much fun.

How do I watch a 360 video in VR?
YouTube & Facebook are supports playback of 360 degree spherical videos on computers in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera browsers. You can also watch 360 degree videos on YouTube / Facebook apps for Android and iOS. For an immersive experience, you can even watch 360 degree videos with Cardboard and the YouTube Android app.
*Safari is not supported yet.

360 videos on computer
When watching a 360 video on a computer, the viewing angle is changed by dragging with the mouse. Make sure you're using the latest version of your web browser (ex. Chrome, Firefox).

360 videos on mobile
On iOS and Android mobile devices, the viewing angle of a 360 video is changed by dragging a finger across the screen or by navigating with the device. Make sure you're using the latest version of the Youtube/Facebook apps. If you're using an iOS device, it should be an iPhone 4S or newer or an iPad 2 or newer. The iOS device also should be running iOS 7 or later. If you have an Android device, make sure you're using Android 4.3 or later.

If you are getting married or just love to have your VR360 video for your prewedding / wedding / event, please whatsapp / email us for enquiries and booking :)

WEBSITE: http://www.brianchong.com
EMAIL: info@brianchong.com

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Australia Pre-Wedding Tour:

Pre-Wedding Video Channel:

#bigday #brianchongphotography #bride #engagement #japan #prewedding #sakura #vr #virtualreality‬ ‪#‎behindthescenes‬ ‪#‎video‬ #vr360 #360video #panorama #kodak #pixpro #weddingpics #wedding #日本 #大日子 #婚照 #婚禮 #婚紗相 #海外婚紗攝影 #結婚 #香港攝影師 #製作花絮 #短片 #全景拍攝 #360影片

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