二手市集 交易評價
jameshocl (26)
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 32%
成功確認交易次數: 27
  • 賣家
    wong-abc (27)約 3 年前
  • 賣家
    billypson (237) 約 3 年前
  • 賣家
    kentkwok88 (22)約 5 年前
  • 賣家
    sunshine8484 (21)約 6 年前
    Nice seller. Trade completed satisfactorily.
  • 賣家
    styleweardesign (55) 約 7 年前
    Very good and considerate seller. A great pleasure to trade with him!
  • 賣家
    dvb (40)約 7 年前
  • 賣家
    Laucha (175)約 7 年前
    Nice and honest seller.
  • 賣家
    RemaxShop (23) 約 7 年前
  • 賣家
    genevajackwatch (14) 約 8 年前
    a very honest and friendly seller. Trade completed to my total satisfaction.
  • 賣家
    bluecoke (5)約 9 年前
    honest seller. trade completed to my total satisfaction.
  • 賣家
    momment (64)約 9 年前
    honest and helpful seller.
  • 賣家
    hitech08 (1)約 9 年前
    smooth trade.
  • 賣家
    KLYY (49)約 9 年前
  • 賣家
    c9c9c9 (26)  約 10 年前
    very honest and helpful seller. completely satisfy with the trade with KK
  • 賣家
    vangough (17) 約 10 年前
    very honest seller.
  • 賣家
    Doorsteprepairs (423) 約 10 年前
    Honest seller
  • 賣家
    suet66346 (23) 約 10 年前
    very honest seller. hope to trade with her in the future.
  • 賣家
    callme94779358 (20)  10+ 年前
    an honest and nice seller with whom I wish to have another transaction very soon
  • 賣家
    kennykook (2) 10+ 年前
    Honest seller
  • 賣家
    ckh_joe (13) 10+ 年前
    Joe is a very honest and friendly seller. He gave me lot of good tips about photographing. The deal was completed in a most satisfactory manner.
  • 賣家
    babygo (229)  10+ 年前
    I bought items from babygo second time in a week. because he is reliable and honest. Thanks.
  • 賣家
    babygo (229)  10+ 年前
    babygo 是一位十分忠実可靠的賣家, 交易順暢,值得推介他給其他 DC Fever C-hing
  • 賣家
    alexdad (1) 10+ 年前
    Alex is a very nice dealer. I am very satisfied with the transaction.
  • 賣家
    chuikit (57)  10+ 年前
    Ah Kit is a very nice guy who, other than completed the deal in a very satistactory manner, also gave me a lot of good tips concerning selection of lens. I look forward to another transaction with Kit very soon. Strongly recommend him to other DCF
  • 賣家
    LaymanOn99 (38)  10+ 年前
    The deal was completed very smoothly. Layman is a honest and nice guy who has given me a lot of good tips and advice as well. I am looking forward for another deal with Layman in future.
  • 買家
    photog666 (18)  10+ 年前
    Mr. Leung is a very nice buyer and the transaction was completed smoothly without any problem.
  • 買家
    snuffle (12) 10+ 年前
    snuffle is an honest and nice seller that one could trust.