二手市集 交易評價
acml (9)
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 28%
成功確認交易次數: 9
  • 賣家
    jackie19178520 (217) 約 4 年前
    Nice and helpful seller.
  • 買家
    fotomax (55) 約 7 年前
    Buyer was nice and trade was completed smoothly.
  • 買家
    sobad2009 (11)約 7 年前
    Nice buyer, trade completed smoothly.
  • 賣家
    ckw022 (6) 約 7 年前
    Good seller, willing to coordinate the location and time for the trade
  • 賣家
    SHUU (33) 約 7 年前
    nice guy, willing to help throughout the trading process and provide information of the product.
  • 買家
    LeungWingFat (2)約 7 年前
    nice guy and willing to coordinate with the time and location for trading.
  • 買家
    lchanhei (5) 約 8 年前
    Very nice buyer, willing to coordinate on the location and time for trading.
  • 賣家
    SESSRYMNIR (32)約 8 年前
    Nice seller and very cooperative.
  • 賣家
    tyingshing (36)約 8 年前
    Nice seller and very smooth trading.